The Web3 PR Agency Delivering Winning Strategies For Blockchain Agencies and Crypto Firms - The Influence Journal

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The Web3 PR Agency Delivering Winning Strategies For Blockchain Agencies and Crypto Firms

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Web3 has radically changed the media industry. The days when power was in the hands of centralized, global mainstream media giants are passing. Web3 lowers the barriers to entry, opening the door to a new wave of decentralized outlets and influencers who are reshaping the way consumers engage with media.

This shift in the media landscape has shaken up the public relations space. The strategies that drove traditional PR no longer deliver optimal results. Web3 disrupted PR, requiring brands to find a new way to connect with the modern media and the consumers that it serves.

Web3 natives Scott Bartnick and Jay Feldman were quick to recognize the impact that Web3 was having on the media and the PR space. They knew brands would need new methodologies to effectively navigate the new landscape. They became the co-founders of St. Petersburg, Florida-based Otter Public Relations to provide PR services that were optimized to deliver in the world of Web3.

“While Web3 is still evolving, the opportunities that now exist for brands to foster meaningful connections, loyalty, and engagement in the space are already immense,” shares Feldman. “Brands that dismiss Web3 risk missing out on a chance to demonstrate their relevance to the next generation of consumers.”

From the beginning, Otter PR was Web3. It has become a top public relations firm with a tech-first approach that leverages technology to build media connections and drive media momentum.

“We started this firm with a vision of transforming the PR industry,” says Bartnick. “We knew the status quo would no longer deliver acceptable results, so we found new ways to tell our clients’ stories, engage their audiences, and build meaningful media relations. We saw the need for a firm that could help brands thoughtfully navigate Web3 engagement, so we stepped in to meet that need.”

Why a Web3-native approach is needed for blockchain firms and crypto agencies

Members of Gen Z are digital natives. Digital platforms are essentially their first language. Their always-on engagement with the internet shapes the way they learn and process information.

Gen Z also makes up 40 percent of total US consumers. That means failing to deploy strategies that connect with Gen Z consumers will effectively disconnect brands from 40 percent of the marketplace.

Traditional PR focuses on traditional media outlets like print media, radio, and press releases. Digital natives – as well as early generations who have now adopted a digital-focused lifestyle – are turning to those traditional outlets less and less.

Trends in weekday circulation of US daily newspapers over the past two decades provide a powerful illustration of this. In 2000, daily circulation was 55.8 million. By 2020, it had dropped to 24.2 million.

Web3 PR agencies bring authenticity to clients’ campaigns

In the Web3 world, consumers tend to turn to digital outlets like social media and podcasts for information. A recent study revealed that 97 percent of Gen Z consumers say they use social media as their top source of shopping information.

“Brands must see Web3 as a chance to show up authentically and not just as a marketing gimmick,” says Feldman. “With the right strategy, web3 provides avenues for brands to add real value to the digital lives of their target audience. PR firms that ignore the power of the platforms that are central to Web3 are making a big mistake that will hurt themselves and their clients."

Otter PR serves clients in every industry, empowering them to connect in impactful ways in the new Web3 landscape. It also serves businesses at every phase. Startups in the launch phase trust Otter PR to craft breakout strategies that leverage Web3. Established companies also look to Otter PR when they need to expand their footprint or revitalize a PR strategy that relies too heavily on old-school media.

As entrepreneurs who have piloted successful businesses through the Web3 landscape, Bartnick and Feldman know first-hand what they needed to do when building Otter.

“Succeeding in the Web3 ecosystem requires forging a path through uncharted territory,” says Bartnick. “It takes vision, determination, and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. The brands that make it are those who are willing to embrace rapid change and challenge conventional norms. The best PR firms guide brands along that path.”

A Web3 PR agency that embraces the realities of a Web3 world

Brands must seek more than media exposure to succeed in the Web3 world. They need to establish and maintain a robust media presence. No amount of publicity will pay dividends if it does not involve an authentic presence.

“Optimizing PR In the Web3 ecosystem requires building an online presence,” Feldman says. “Being seen by the public is not enough. Brands that experience the benefits of PR are heard, engaged with, and integrated into the very fabric of the digital communities where consumers spend their time. The average person today spends nearly seven hours per day online. Public relations campaigns that don’t focus on an online presence simply can’t be successful.”

Leveraging the power of thought leadership is one of the key ways that Otter PR empowers its clients to have an authentic presence in today’s media channels. Top thought leaders are those who draw upon their experience and expertise to provide their industry with authentic and genuine insights that deliver value. Otter PR’s publicists are experts at deploying campaigns that allow clients to emerge as thought leaders in their fields.

As business leaders become thought leaders, their brands gain an invaluable level of authenticity and credibility. As a result, customers are quicker to trust, support, and promote the brand. Otter PR’s strategies establish thought leadership by securing impactful media coverage in prominent online publications that consumers can easily find when they turn to the web for information.

“The most resonant brand stories today are those rooted in relevant insights and ideas,” explains Bartnick. “We help our clients become thought leaders by elevating their perspectives and expertise on industry issues. Whether through social media, podcast appearances, or bylined articles, we create platforms for showcasing our clients’ thought capital through effective communication and storytelling. Today’s audiences have unlimited content choices. They won’t waste time on something that is inauthentic or irrelevant. Brands must move from touting products to providing true intellectual value. Otter PR attracts media attention for our clients by positioning them as thought leaders.”

Proving blockchain and crypto agencies with future-proof Web3 PR strategies

Flexibility and adaptability are essential qualities for any PR firm. This is even more true in the Web3 era, where media opportunities appear and fade away rapidly.

“The digital landscape where today’s media stories play out is constantly shifting,” shares Feldman. “To provide optimal service to clients, PR firms need to be able to quickly grasp how news is trending and pivot rapidly. In today’s world, that requires PR firms to have a capacity for flexibility and adaptability that is unprecedented.”

Bartnick and Feldman knew from the beginning that their firm would need to have these qualities. Their personal entrepreneurial journeys showed them that most firms were missing the mark when it came to navigating the Web3 world. Those that could promise results were not offering affordable price points.

As their frustration grew, Bartnick and Feldman decided they would launch Otter PR to fill the gap. They assembled a hybrid team of professionals from a variety of backgrounds who could develop and drive strategies that guaranteed PR success at a reasonable price. The Otter PR team draws upon a wealth of experience in PR, communications, journalism, social media, and entrepreneurship to deliver results.

“Ideas from last year or even last month don’t help anyone to connect with today’s rapidly evolving media cycles,” Bartnick says. “That’s why we believe PR firms must adopt constant evolution as a core principle.”

Tracking the latest media trends and consumer attitudes is part of Otter PR's DNA. It has also made it one of the fastest-growing PR firms in the world. Brands that trust Otter PR get fresh, forward-thinking strategies rooted in today’s business realities. Its Web3-native approach makes Otter PR the best PR firm for today and tomorrow.
